Monday, August 15, 2005

Lavender Muse

Let them think, ponder, deliberate! I am surrounded by the smell of lavender!
Purple, spikes of pure heaven. I picked fistfulls from the garden today.  Flowers! Growing without permission, with little care, with no acceptance.  I've never met a flower that asked, "Is it alright, if I am beautiful?" "Do you think I am?" or "How could I be more beautiful for you?".  They simply spring from earth, sunlight and water and grow whether you notice them or not.  How wonderful they are, how perfectly they embrace life. Such perfection is hard to find among men.  So while we think, plot, scheme, linger, protest, hunger, wonder and cling to fragile illusions, lavender just is. If the world is our oyster, perhaps we shouldn't overlook the pearl?


sarah said...

mmm.. i love to run my hand through lavender.. tossle it like a great head of hair..

Anonymous said...

lovely phrase Sarah. I love to grow all kinds of scented plants. Lavender, rosemary, rose and lemon geraniums, garlic, chives to cook with and such. I love my nose.