Thursday, March 30, 2006

fog-filled days

imagine we stood, you and i, bold and naked before each other and spoke, with no pretense, all the words shielded deep within our hearts and sang songs of ancient loves realized. and were not tentative about the wild abandon we want to show each other. and started sentences with "and" just because we want to.

imagine we said "i love you" and it was not a need-filled expression and imagine our mouths were supple vessels of pleasure and not bent into rationality like carpenters molding trees into boats and buildings and other vessels made to withstand the ferocity of storms.

and picture, if you will, the you and i within the us who are brave enough to accept love instead of two lost souls who build up walls of self-protection and on the seventh day declare them good. walls designed around logic and rationality that keep out barking dogs and bitter battles.

imagine, my sweet love, that your words were symphonies and cheese and crackers all rolled into one and that my caresses were angel kisses and warm chicken soup and that we fought for peace, not victory.

and imagine that these words fall on your ears and you know they're for you and wonder how you know that ....and then imagine me wondering if you do.

but today, a day for hopeless romantics and the pain and the pleasure of you seems to have closed around my heart. like the fog outside that obscures the mountains and the road that brings me home to you.


camera shy said...


and homesick

floots said...


i especially liked the idea of mouths not bent into rationality

loved reading this

Anonymous said...

CS> homesick is an excellent word for this feeling

floots> glad you got something from these words. yes at times rationality is just a very fearful defense

tao1776 said...

a hopeless romantic am I....I want to possess your words. ....and hold you.......

steve said...

read this a few times through and it's amazing to me the strong, rich, intimate images that in the end are out of reach but not out of mind. nicely done.

Anonymous said...

tim> awwrh! you're really sweet! romance is always good when it's sincere

steve>that's exactly it - out of reach but not out of mind. hope?

grumble> you're right. i shall use instead: "romantic illusionist" :)