Tuesday, April 04, 2006


how to get more booty part 1:

lesson 1: women are not men.

sure, men aren't women either, but well fuck, it's the mating dance isn't it? ask any horny lion if he has to at least roll around a bit, protect the harem or mess with a few other lone males before he gets the pussy so to speak.

the truth is, whether you like it or not, that us girls like a bit of the flashy stuff before we give it up. i personally, am quite demanding that way.

p.s. i know when you're faking it.


floots said...

too true
made me smile as well
i'm all in favour of slow and easy
(is that empathic lovin' - or my bad knee) :)

Anonymous said...

i think it might be the knee ha ha ha! but really i think we should be more wrapt in a total experience at least a lot of the time. because else it feels a bit like i got take out at mcdoncalds. i know that sounds very 'chick' but i don't care.

Anonymous said...

The flashy stuff, eh? Suppose the,
erm... "lion" strolls into the den,
resplendent in gold lame' robe with
a gleam in his eye, purring a merry
tune? Is it "all show", or "no go"?
Depending on your answer, i may have to go enlist in the Salivation
Army ;-)

Anonymous said...

GRUMB YOU ARE HYSTERICAL! i've always been partial to a gleam in the eye. never dated a man without one. however we are going to have to do something about the attire. lame just will not do for this. perhaps we'll kit you out in.....um....just some denim jeans with the buttons half undone will do, and a cup of tea. by flash i mean, attentiveness. emotional laziness is a turn off.

Anonymous said...

my zoology prof always used to say:

"don't forget girls, ultimately it's the ladies choice" lol she was pretty cool i miss her humor. not her cutthroat marking style, though. it's really about reciprocity and then sometimes indulgence and then sometimes whatever..but the intimacy needs effort when people live busy and stressful lives.

camera shy said...

ture love

Capegirl said...

i agree! but giving a shit can be achieved in seconds.