Monday, May 08, 2006


and as they changed, so too did their blogs. some were left behind, their once cherished nicknames no longer needed. some wait in sleepy silence. there is, after all, the possibility of regression. some are in flux, soon to be discarded on a pile of no regrets. some are simply not required, right now. maybe soon.

or soonish.

some die with one posting. perhaps the writer did too. or maybe, instead, he lived.


{illyria} said...

i think they lived, capegrrrl. but that's the tragic beauty of this altogether too transient medium. we will only know as much as we read.

floots said...

beautifully put
(as is transience's comment)

steve said...

and when it's all over
it still goes on
or a reasonable facsimile

while a lot of stuff
is going on