Thursday, May 11, 2006


this year i'm giving up control. i never had any, anyway. it's a bit like perfectionism, which i gave up when i was twenty-four. imagine putting so much energy into something that actually doesn't exist. it's rather elitist.


Anonymous said...

Me, too, but for reasons too long beyond my control. Hopefully, your 'chute is packed properly! I
doubt if there's anything elitist about the landing.;-[

steve said...

you are one impressive person

Anonymous said...

grumb> no parachute here. this likely explains my many crash landings into life. but i always land on my feet. or on my head and then i get up again. sometimes i even land on my head with my feet in my mouth. and then get up again.

steve> awwrh steve, thanks but i'm just like everybody else. i make mistakes, but i refuse to be beaten into somebody else or into resentment by anything, and most especially, by anybody. nature favors adaptation.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

i have never had control of anything least of all myself.

can i join your elitist group?

Anonymous said...

CJ> self control is good when you choose the kind that brings happiness. i meant more the 'other stuff' you know, things over which we really never will have control. you can join if you want, because i'm not in control! :)

Greep> yeah me too. i'm getting better with practice and more so - acceptance, mostly of myself. you'll get there - i know you will!