Tuesday, January 17, 2006

endless beginnings

think instead of the day when forever cracked wide open and you wiped your finger across the beads of my spine and the sun set in the corner of my eye and you held hibiscus in your teeth to see how frenzied I would taste think of tigers and lilys that open their mouths so wide you can see all the way into the womb of Pleiades birthplace of new stars and nowhere near places like Rome


sarah said...


camera shy said...


this is
wonderful . . .

tammy said...

oh, yes. this is beautiful. I really love your writing. thanks for leaving such a nice comment on my blog. hope you don't mind if I link you. take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody I'm so glad you liked it. I'm trying hard not to censor myself. sure Tammy link away, I'll link you too.