Sunday, January 29, 2006

the story of two

they knew it would only take one look, one touch, one fragile confession to bridge the ancient seas between their shores. then, the tide would rush in, bringing with it all the truth they had covered up in the dust of denial. so they simply looked at each other and said nothing.


camera shy said...


a sturdy bridge
at that

make it sturdy
to hold against
the storm

that rage

{illyria} said...

the stories of the harem chicks are the same everywhere. sigh. remember what we talked about regarding soulmates and lovers?

Capegirl said...

blog this> i find these bridges are subject to ricketiness and the rage is actually a terrible sadness...i'm lost for words right now.

trans> i do remember. i know girl. i view this 'ness' every day through the window of my computer as i visit the harem blogs. truly it breaks my heart. and i feel comforted in some ways to see a mirror image...and then it breaks my's just the way it is...